Lets start over…

Many times over I thought about what I should be blogging about.
PowerShell’s the future and I really like everything PowerShell related, so a theme for the blog was ’easy’. However I’m not really a front runner when it comes to IT, so most of the things I’d be playing with have been done before.
I’d get stuck on what to write about, because surely no one would be interested in ‘another basic PowerShell blog’. Writing doesn’t come naturally to me and English is not my native language, so transferring thoughts to a blog post can be challenging. Besides that I normally overthink whatever I write, causing a ‘simple’ blog post to take me hours if not days.
What changed?
In 2018 I had a few breakthroughs that jump-started my love for PowerShell again:
- I was able to take the Advanced PowerShell course so I could catch up on some interesting topics for me:
- PowerShell interacting with .NET FrameWork
- PowerShell and RestAPIs
- Providing a few sessions teaching PowerShell Basics to colleagues
- Reading some very interesting articles I found through Twitter lurking
- This article got me to look into Pester again and it finally clicked
- A great friend of mine (not to mention awesome #Office365 blogger) pointed me to a concept called Imposter Syndome which really made an impact on me.
All in all, I’m coding more and more again, finding new reasons to look into it and wanting to share my findings with others.
What does this mean for the blog?
Well, besides an updated colour scheme and logo, I want to grow through teaching more and attending/speaking at more seminars.
But I won’t just blog about PowerShell anymore. I’ll try and write more about various things, such as other technologies I’m playing with (PowerShell related or not), share interesting articles/tweets that I’ve read.
This should mean some posts will be shorter than ’normal’, but I’m hoping that like with coding, writing more will help me become a better writer. Possibly it will even help me create content more easily.
All in all, let’s start writing again 🙂